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Why Jan 1 has been celebrating as New Year?

Hello everyone, Firstly, i wish you all Happy New Year. Before Usher in the new year 2018, i express a fond adieu to previous year 2017. Before that, I'm willing to recall my whole journey through out year (Up's and Down's). I commenced 2017 as an intern at GVA Business Solutions-Mytaxfiler worked on US Taxation, It's been pleasure working there. I experienced how to deal with clients, to work in teams and organization culture. Later i completed my UG at KL University  and joined for MBA in FBS Business School, Vijayawada. After joining MBA i met new friends, i'm happy for them being a part of my journey. I started off my blog career in the last month of 2017, I never thought of becoming a blogger. I had unleashed hidden talents which are unknown to me either. Now it's time to say Good Bye to 2017 and usher 2018 journey with this new post on my blog. I hope this new year will be the most adventurous and adds some experience to my journey.

"New Year"
           Generally, every one in this world will celebrate New Year irrespective of their Gender, Religion and Culture.

Have you ever thought that why we celebrate New Year's day on January 1? 

Now i am going to give a brief about it.

For the first time in history New Year is celebrated on January 1 was in 45 B.C., as the Julian calendar takes effect. As Julius Cesar became the dictator of Rome, he decided that traditional Roman calendar is in dire need to reform, which was introduced around 7th century B.C.. The roman Calendar follows Lunar Cycle, so it has only 10 months beginning with March and is reflected in some of the names of the months September through December, our ninth through twelfth months were positioned as the seventh through tenth months (Septem is latin for "seven", Octo, "eight", Novem, "nine", Decm, "ten"). So the New Year was celebrated in March 1 during roman calendar  existence. Later Julius Cesar introduced Julian Calendar which has 12 months started with January named after the god of Gateways and Beginnings "Janus" and ends with December.

The Julian calendar was designed on the basis of solar cycle which was advised by an Alexandrian astronomer. The year was calculated to be 365 and 1/4 days and Cesar added 67 days to 45 B.C. (follows Roman calendar) to 46 B.C. (follows Julian calendar), begin on January 1 rather than March 1. He also prescribed that every four years a day will be added to February. The Julian Calendar did not observe the New Year exactly on January 1, the reason was failure of Cesar and Sosigenes calculation of solar cycle. The exact value was 365.242199 days, but they calculated for 365.25 days. The error of 11 minute a year added 7 days by the year 1000 and 10 days by the mid 15th century.

The roman church came to aware of this error and in 1570s pope Gregory XIII ordered Jesuit astronomer Christopher Clavius to reform the Julian calendar. in 1582 Gregorian calendar was implemented by excluding the 10 days in that year and Initiate the new rule that only one of every four centinnel years should be a leap year. Later entire the world was following the Gregorian calendar till now.

Which Country celebrates New Year first and last?

Tonga rang a tiny Pacific island welcomed 2018 first, after travelling through entire the world the Baker island and Howland island finishes it off.

Once again i wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year. I wish every day of this year will glow your journey with cheer and Success.
